Leslie A. Bowser
Les Bowser is an author and historian from southeastern New Brunswick. He is a direct descendant of five of the first eight settlers who came to Moncton from Philadelphia in 1766, including Heinrich Stieff. He traveled to Germany to uncover the roots of the Steeves Family beyond Heinrich and Regina, finally discovering the names of their parents, grandparents, and other relatives in old church records. He published a recount of his adventure in The Search for Heinrich Stief: A Genealogist on the Loose, which we have for sale in our shop.

[Frank Bowser (7), Susan Maude (6), Francis Lloyd (5), Noah (4), Lewis (3), Frederick (2), Heinrich (1); Phyllis Lorraine Jones (7), Abel Saunders Jones (6), Calvin Abel Jones (5), Catherine (4), Ephraim (3), Frederick (2), Heinrich(1); Phyllis Lorraine Jones (7), Abel Saunders Jones (6), Maude C (5), Lewis Edward (4), John (3), Henry (2), Heinrich (1)]